I thought I was doing the right thing by vaccinating my twins on schedule with all of their required annual shots. On their 1st birthday, they received 4 (or should I say 6 since the MMR is 3 in 1) shots, including the MMR, HIB, Hep B & Varicella vaccinations. My twins were born at 39 weeks but they were still earlier than a "normal" gestation and I had them through In-Vitro. There were already hormones circulating through my body during and after my pregnancy.
After this one year visit, my twins lost their words (they were up to about 15 at the time), broke out in full body rashes, developed flu-like symptoms, my daughter began losing her hair 2 days later and by the end of 2 months; she lost it completely.

You can see her transformation in the above pictures. In October she was her normal, happy & healthy, self. In December she received her shots and her eyes quickly grew red; she started developing dark circles underneath. By March she lost all of her hair.
Immediately after the shots; both children became catatonic, rocking back and forth and staring off into space. It was horrible to watch and I was panicking about what I had done to my sweet babies. Luckily, my son started to "bounce back" more quickly than my daughter. His words and cognition started to appear again slowly, but none-the-less, they started to appear.
I took my daughter to her Pediatrician and explained the reaction her body had to her shots. Of course, the Dr. refused that the shots could have had anything to do with the changes and he sent me to a Dermatologist for her hair loss. This didn't sound right to me- I knew my daughter's hair loss was not due to a Dermatological issue. I figured the Dr. was feeling guilty since I had tried to refuse the shots (all of them at once) in the first place and he and his staffed pressured and intimidated us into accepting the shots for our kids. We relented and look what happened.
Not surprisingly, the Dermatologist recommended steroids for my daughter- steroids that specifically on the label warned "DO NOT give to children under the age of 16 as they may result in liver and kidney failure." How many parents did what their Dermo told them without looking at that label?? I went back to the Pediatrician and he referred us to an Immunologist/Allergist. My daughter's blood work revealed an Immune Disorder- her body was not producing fighter B & T cells to fight disease and infection.
I was very proactive and started my kids on a completely organic, wheat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free diet and had them drinking goat's milk instead of cow's milk to eliminate additional hormones in their body. I started taking my daughter to my Holistic Doctor (Dr. Larry Cart at http://www.wellnessrestored.net/).
I was called a freak, was made fun of and was chastised- in some cases by family members and friends. I didn't care. I had one focus and that was to help my children in any way I could and find the resources to rehabilitate them as quickly as I could. It wasn't just the WFGF Sugar Free diet that did the trick. It was the vitalized whole food nutrients customized by Dr. Cart's analysis combined with a regimented diet that changed the hypogammaglobulinemia and returned her immune system to normal.
I had spoken to other mothers who just did the diet and wondered why really nothing changed much in the way of their kids' behavior. The diet change was only a quarter of the picture. I had to be completely confident and devoted to believing in this course of action for my daughter. And I trusted Dr. Cart. Below is a current photo of my daughter (with her hair blowing in the wind):

Within 6 months, my daughter was healthy beyond words. Her blood work indicated her Immune System levels were off the charts. Both children were speaking and achieving their milestones on schedule. They were two of the lucky ones- this I know. In retrospect, I don't care what people say about my methods and choices regarding helping my kids. They are proof that what we did worked- for us. For us.
I have been harping on the ill effects of the MMR shot for 2 years now. The truth is that I really feel that live-antibody viruses are what sparked my daughter's Immune Disorder. It is next to impossible to find support of this through the medical community on the Internet, through books and articles. Even my mother-in-law who is an RN poo-pooed the information I compiled and my choice of medical support for my daughter. To this day she has not asked about nor recognized my daughter's state of health.
I feel that the In-Vitro drugs mixed with my early delivery and overkill of shots in my children's first year Dr. visits compromised their health and well being. My kids should have had less shots spread out over a longer period of time.
The bottom line FOR ME is that there are too many shots crammed into a ridiculously short period of time. Our kids should not be subjected to this abuse- they are not going to get Hepatitis B before pre-school. The schedules need to be changed and the toxins need to be taken out. I want to protect my children just like everyone else but I will not risk their lives to do so.
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